City Council unanimously passes motion seeking support from Province and Feds on Guaranteed Basic Income

At City Council, I was proud to introduce a motion in support of Guaranteed Livable Basic Income. Passing unanimously at 16-0, the motion specifically calls on the provincial and federal governments to collaborate to implement a national Guaranteed Livable Basic Income program. Further, the @cityofhamilton is encouraging other municipalities across the province and the country to join in advocating for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income as a key policy tool in the fight against poverty and inequality. To this end, Hamilton City Council will advocate through its representatives at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Canadian Federation of Municipalities for Guaranteed Livable Basic Income resolutions at meetings of those organizations.

The costs of living and housing continue to climb. The City of Hamilton continues to face challenges due to growing financial insecurity and homelessness in our community. We need our two senior levels of government to dedicate the financial resources to support people and families who are struggling. I want to acknowledge and thank the Roundtable on Poverty for its consultation on the motion, as well as its written support to Council. As well, I appreciate the effort of Councillor Maureen Wilson for her insight and support in seconding the motion.

Universal or Livable Basic Income is an unconditional financial support model in which a government provides an individual, (or household / family unit) with a specific amount of money on a consistent basis. Current benefits such as the Canadian Child Benefit, Old Age Security, and the Canada Pension Plan could be considered forms of basic income. However, the disconnected, patchwork approach to financially supporting Canadians can be improved greatly by implementing a standardized basic income model. Research from Canada and around the world routinely points to the positive economic and social outcomes a society gains by lifting people from poverty, through the removal of basic financial constraints.


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