Migrants Matter, Flamborough will receive $10k from the City of Hamilton

Every year, 20,000 migrant workers travel to Ontario to work in the agricultural sector. Across the larger Flamborough region, approximately 1000 migrant workers are essential to the economic well-being of many our working farms and greenhouses. Within the migrant worker community, people can experience unique challenges including language barriers, difficulty accessing health & counselling assistance, isolation, and the personal sacrifice of being away from family and children for extended periods of time.

Migrants Matter, Flamborough is a not-for-profit group of volunteers that coordinate the efforts of community members, church groups, and business leaders to provide support for our migrant friends. Migrants Matter, Flamborough currently supports nearly 500 agricultural workers in our community. The group coordinates the donation of bikes, clothing, and household goods, alongside the provision of translation services, advocacy work, conflict resolution help, and will even assist in coordinating with migrants’ family members when needed.

Migrants Matter, Flamborough operates exclusively on donations. Further, they are highly effective at what they do, as they translate 100% of all donations received directly into support for the people they help. As an outstanding volunteer organization that supports the people who help maintain our agricultural sector, I was proud to introduce a motion at City Council to benefit Migrants Matter, Flamborough. Seconded by Councillor Jeff Beattie, my motion received unanimous support from Council and Migrants Matter, Flamborough will receive $10,000 from the City of Hamilton.

The agricultural products grown and raised by our farmers are the best tasting, most nutritious, and safest food we can consume. Flamborough growers support local restaurants and stores all over Hamilton and surrounding areas, in addition to Farmers’ Markets and direct-to-customer sales online. Our community is stronger because of the hard-working people who grow our food. That makes it so important to support those who support our food systems. My thanks to my Council colleagues for recognizing the value the Migrants Matter, Flamborough provides. If you are in a position to help, or you would like to learn more or volunteer your time, Migrants Matter, Flamborough can be reached at 289-700-4305 or email terry.hubbard@cogeco.ca or sleighton@cogeco.ca.  


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