It’s time to clear the air on clearing the snow

This winter, the City of Hamilton expanded its sidewalk clearing operations and contracted snow clearing services from a third-party provider. The results were less than ideal, frankly they were unacceptable (Flamborough Review, March 16). The underperformance left many of us deeply frustrated. In comments I shared online on March 2, I said the lack of respectable service must be brought to bear in public light. I made a commitment to elevate the issue to Public Works Committee (PWC).

I am pleased to report that at Public Works Committee this week, my Council colleagues and I had a robust discussion about the shortcomings of this year’s snow clearing performance across the city. The concerns of Ward 15 residents are mirrored by many in Hamilton, with impacts felt in virtually all new service areas. Hamilton’s city planning vision is to be the best place to raise a child and to age successfully. Limiting the ability for children, families, and seniors to simply navigate our community by plowing in crosswalks and ignoring school zone maintenance obligations is an abhorrent deviation from that clear goal. To that end, PWC has passed a motion - pending City Council’s full approval (scheduled for March 29) - to initiate a broad-based snow removal review for the City of Hamilton.

Further, based on discussions with disability advocates in our community, the review will include specific consultation with Hamilton’s Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities, as well as the Senior’s Advisory Committee. Staff will be asked to specifically report back in full, the comments and opinions of the disability and senior communities. The entirety of the motion from Public Works Committee can be read here. The report is to be received by August 31, 2023.

As we move into spring, snow events are hopefully behind us for the season. However, I intended to make snow removal an ongoing discussion at City Hall in the coming months. Ward 15 residents deserve far better service next year. 


Update from Council: Temporary Outdoor Patios and Support for Local Business


Why I support Hamilton’s next budget