Updates on infrastructure projects in Ward 15

During the campaign last fall, I promised if elected to Council I would always be honest with constituents. To that end, I won’t say something just because it’s what some people might want to hear. To the point, capital projects, such as a new community centre / pool take time to come to fruition, involve a lot of planning, and require major capital investment. The truth of the matter is simple, the Waterdown community is the fastest growing in our city, and infrastructure investment by the City needs to start catching-up. Working to match that investment with the value our community tax dollars is my goal at City Hall. What follows is a project-by-project update of major areas of interest by residents: 

Community Centre / pool

A new recreation centre with a pool for Ward 15 is recognized as an important community priority. A project of this nature evolves in three-phases:

1. Identifying and securing (purchasing) a site;
2. Community consultation and design, and finally;
3. The actual construction of the project.

At this time, negotiations continue related to land acquisition – which is step one. Let’s be clear, we are likely multiple budget cycles away from a new community centre, but we’re on the path to getting there. 

Joint Police / Fire Compound

A new police/fire compound for Waterdown is similar and of high priority, but it is further along in process. A location has been identified by the City. Talks are moving forward related to the acquisition of the land. Once the land is acquired, then the design and servicing plans can be fully addressed, with construction commencing thereafter. Both of Hamilton’s Police and Fire Chiefs have spoken publicly and often about the need for this location in Waterdown. Again, though, to be clear, this is not going to be built this year. But it is coming.

English Public Elementary School

Moreover, I can also provide an update on a new English Public school for the south-east area of Waterdown. The Hamilton Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) has prudently purchased the land needed to build a school, so that aspect of the project is ready. However, HWDSB is still waiting for the province of Ontario to approve the capital dollars required for construction. This project has been denied repeatedly by the government of Ontario, despite overwhelming evidence to support a new school. 

Waterdown By-Pass

Finally, the partially completed Waterdown By-Pass remains at a standstill. The province has ordered the City to work with Indigenous peoples related to archaeological and historic artifact discoveries along the proposed route.

As your Councillor, I’ve pledged to work with the HWDSB, our Ward 15 School Board Trustee and various City planning bodies to expedite as best as possible, all four of these priority projects. Though these items take time, they remain the projects on which I focus my time and effort at City Hall.


Rockcliffe Park is getting a nice upgrade!


Tax fairness for Ward 15 is a priority