City of Hamilton Council Priorities Approved

On July 14, Hamilton City Council approved its three priorities for the Council term (2022-2026): sustainable economic and ecological development, safe and thriving neighbourhoods, and the working of City Hall and transparency in municipal government.

The priorities, which underpin the City’s vision of being the best place to raise a child and age successfully, were chosen by Council as critical areas in which to focus additional time, resources and discretionary budget.

Council acknowledged in previous motions (January 18 and May 10, 2023) that Hamiltonians will benefit most from a Council that sets out clear priorities. The priorities will also provide staff with clear Council direction for the current term.

There are nine outcomes across the three priorities. Measures of success are also being finalized for each outcome:

Sustainable Economic and Ecological Development

  • Reduce the Burden on Residential Tax Payers

  • Climate Change/Decarbonization Progress

  • Protection of Green Spaces and Water

Safe & Thriving Neighbourhoods

  • Increase in Housing Units for All and Reduce Homelessness

  • Improve Mobility, Accessibility and Road Safety

Working of City Hall and Transparency in Municipal Government

  • New Budget Process Implementation

  • Improve Public Engagement

  • Efficient Customer Service and Communication

  • Employer of Choice

The Term of Council Priorities are the result of a series of meetings and discussions facilitated by an outside consultant, Anil Gupta, including Special General Issues Committee meetings on May 5 and June 27. The Council Priorities reflect: Council input, urgent issues in the community, City of Hamilton’s Federal & Provincial Priorities, Our City Survey 2022 results, projects currently underway and the Strategic Plan 2016 to 2025.


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