Rockcliffe Park to receive more accessibility features
Recently, the City of Hamilton made a substantial upgrade to the playground at Rockcliffe Gardens Park, located at 40 Riley Street in Waterdown. The enhancements include new play structures, a paved pathway to the park from Chudleigh St., and the addition of wood fibre safety surfacing. The use of engineered wood fibre as safety surfacing material is standard for most play structure installations. Technically speaking, wood fibre meets Ontario accessibility standards. However, it can be a challenging surface for some residents to navigate, depending on mobility devices and mobility levels.
In consultation with disability advocates in our community, I was proud to introduce a motion at Public Works Committee to expand the accessibility of Rockcliffe Gardens Park. Thanks to the cooperation of my Council colleagues, the motion passed unanimously. Specifically, my motion compels the City to include a rubber pathway inside the play area, leading to the high-back, full support swing seat. Further, an additional asphalt pathway will be installed along the perimeter of the entire playground, to aid children and other residents using mobility devices, to better access the entirety of the park equipment.